Coronavirus (COVID-19) notice
The health, wellbeing and safety of our patients, their families and our people is our priority at ORTHO.
Current status of our practices
After careful consideration we have decided to temporarily close our practices until further notice.
This means if you have a planned routine appointment booked in the coming weeks it will unfortunately need to be cancelled. If you’re in the middle of a course of treatment a member of the team will contact you to discuss next steps.
Need to speak to your practice?
We understand that if you’re in the middle of treatment or just need some advice, then you will want to get in touch. Both our practices are still taking calls – please visit here for contact details.
Please do not visit the practices if:
- You’re self-isolating or in self-quarantine as per the government’s guidelines
- You have any of these symptoms: cough, fever or shortness of breath – even if they are mild
- You fall into the ‘at risk’ group as defined by the government
Important guidance if you’re planning on visiting one of our practices
Only visit a practice if you have an appointment. If you need an appointment or have an enquiry, please call and we will do our best to help you.
It is important when visiting either of our practices that you take the following steps:
- If possible, attend your appointment on your own
- If you arrive by car, please park safely and call the practice to let them know you have arrived. Then wait in your car until you are called for your appointment
- Arrive for your appointment on-time, to reduce the amount of time spent in the waiting room
- When in the waiting room, please sit at least 2 metres apart from other patients, to adhere to the social distancing Government guidelines
- Keep your hands clean, washing regularly and thoroughly, for at least 20 seconds with soap and water – or use the hand sanitiser provided in practice
- Always carry tissues with you and use them to catch all coughs and sneezes and then bin the tissue – then wash your hands with soap and water; or use a sanitiser
Statement last updated 25/03/2020.